Friday, December 16, 2011

Musical Puppy!!

I have always known that my youngest daughter Chelsea was a music lover because she would do a sort of dance in my belly whenever she heard music! My ribs knew she loved music as well. Her love of music has only grown since then. She will literally stop whatever she is doing and dance along when she hears a song or beat she likes. She is equally enamored of dogs. Big or small ones, it doesn’t matter. She starts out with “Mommy, its a DOG!!!” then takes a mad dash to go pet said quadruped. Being the parent I am I tell her to wait and ask the owner if she can pet the animal first, but even the furry set can’t resist an enthusiastic blonde haired sweetie with an ear to ear grin that literally oozes with happiness just because that animal exists.
     So when it came time to plan for her second birthday party, the theme was a no brainer…music and puppies. So I got to work on cutting out music notes and paw prints that were going to hang down with the balloons. I found a picture of a cute dog that I blew up and printed out for a rousing game of Pin The Paw on the Puppy and hand stitched a paw for a puppy version of Hot Potato. Then I hit the dilemma of what kind of cake was I going to do. I didn’t want to buy a special shaped pan in the event that she outgrows the four legged obsession. So while surfing the internet one day I came upon another blog one day by Bonobo Cakes. On there was this adorable shaped dog cake that she had done for a client and I thought that it would be perfect for my little girl!
     So I started building “Beethoven”. His flavors resemble a Cherry Cola Soda float. His cake is Coca Cola cake with a Cream Cheese filling and a Chocolate Cherry Buttercream Icing. His white musical notes spots and eyes are Cherry Buttercream.

     To say that my daughter was excited is a vast understatement! She saw the cake when it was all finished she jumped up and down saying dog over and over again. She didn’t quite understand that she couldn’t pet this particular dog or give his a kiss on the nose, but she loved it none the less! In the end I have to say that I was happy that I found this puppy that day. I thoroughly enjoyed the experience of making him and making my daughter happy on her birthday. 

      The day of her party, she giggled and danced in her seat when she finally got to kiss Beethoven on the nose!

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